Communication List

The Moreton Bay Swimming Program utilises a website, as the primary point of disseminating information to our aquatic communities.

However, updates for QGSSSA activities will also be distributed via usual MBC mediums, including the MBC app.

QGSSSA Swimming – Leadup meet #5

Date: Friday 28-February 2025 | MBC Pool
3:20pm Girls arrive outside pool for war cries
4:00pm Warm-up, Racing and Relays
5:15pm MBC Old Girls vs MBC All Stars
5:30pm Anticipated swim session finishing time

Registrations HERE - closes 12:00pm Thursday 27-Feb

The times achieved at this event will used as part of the selection of the QGSSSA Championship team.

This is likely the final trial event

    Team Relay Session | Wednesday 26 Feb | 5:15am | Sleeman Aquatic Centre

    This is compulsory training session, for all swimmers and an excellent opportunity for girls to familiarise themselves with the conditions at The Brisbane Aquatic Centre and to focus on their relay changes.

    Swimmers are asked to ensure they arrive to Brisbane Aquatic Centre (Sleeman) in sports uniform.
    Swimmers will also need to consider what clothes they pack, as they will need to arrive back to the College in either sports or full formal uniform.


    The 2025 QGSSSA and Primary swimming season, will see the continuation of providing post-training breakfasts to our swimmers. Similar to previous years, we we will serve a Fruit, Yogurt, Toast, Juice, Milk, Waffles and Pancakes. 

    Thank you to parents who responded to the call for assistance with with serving breakfast. 

    Breakfast for the season is $50.00+gst and will include Fruit, Yogurt, Toast, Juice, Milk, Waffles and/or Pancakes



    Breakfast #5 – Secondary Swimmers



    Breakfast #6 – Secondary Swimmers



    Breakfast #7 – CANCELLED (no volunteers)



    Breakfast #8 – Secondary Swimmers

    Please note breakfast #7 has been cancelled due to no volunteers signing up.

    Lushy will organise a pro-rata payment later this week.

    We would really like to avoid cancelling the final breakfast on Tuesday 4-March, therefore we ask parents to please sign up to assist with serving breakfast here

    Training Times

    We only have 5/19 sessions left for the season!

    25-Feb Tuesday Training Session #15 – 6:30am Swim

    26-Feb Wed Morning Training Session #16 - 5:30am TEAM RELAY SESSION (Sleeman Pool)

    26-Feb Wed Afternoon Training - Please be reminded there is NO TRAINING

    27-Feb Thursday Training Session #17 – 6:30am Swim

    3-Mar Monday Training Session #18 – 3:30pm Swim

    4-Mar Tuesday Training Session #19 – 6:30am Swim

    5-Mar Wednesday QGSSSA Championships


    Training Sessions

    Sports Uniform, including joggers

    QGSSSA Togs (pink)

    QGSSSA Cap (white)

    Leadup Meets

    MBC Tracksuit or Sports Uniform

    QGSSSA Togs (pink)

    QGSSSA Cap (white)